Thursday, May 3, 2012

How To Act On A First Date

How to Behave on a First Date thumbnail

First dates can be social minefields. Nerves and expectations run high as you both avoid awkward silences and painfully bad jokes. You have to tread a fine line between seeming too interested (read: desperate) and too aloof. If you like your date, you might find yourself agonizing over whether she feels the same; if you don't like her, you might find it a struggle to get through dinner. Either way, be respectful and be yourself. You may find yourself with a new partner or friend

    • 1
      Show up on time. Nothing is more inconsiderate than making your date wait. If you need to reschedule, call as far in advance as possible -- at least a few hours' notice. If you're running even a little late, send a text.
    • 2
      Act natural -- but not too natural. Talk to your date as you would to a friend. You can tell jokes, funny stories and generally be yourself; however, leave potty humor, sex stories and bodily functions at home.
    • 3
      Ask engaging questions. Be creative. Your date will appreciate the chance to go beyond the usual first-date subjects. Ask her about the best meal she ever ate or the worst job she ever had.
    • 4
      Listen. Even if her enthusiasm about a job internship isn't of interest to you, you could still learn something new. Smile and ask engaging follow-up questions. Turn off your cell phone; you can't listen while sending a text or reading restaurant reviews.
    • 5
      Be positive. Stick to fun subjects -- travel, hobbies, good movies -- rather than complaining about your boss, your health or (a real turn-off) your ex. Show your date that you're an easygoing, optimistic person, and she'll be more likely to go on a second date with you.
    • 6
      Be polite. Even if your date is the most boring companion since the high school geometry champ, remember that she still deserves your kindness and respect. Stay for one drink or a cup of coffee and participate in the conversation. Even if it's a challenge, think of it as dating practice.

          Always bring extra cash in case of emergency.

  • Avoid bringing up past relationships or talking too much about your last break-up.

Original Source 

1 comment:

how to act on the first date said...

Perfect timing too as I had a first date just last night! I appreciate the "be yourself" advice because that is what I do and I won't apologize for it! ;) BTW I seriously almost ordered mac and cheese on the date last night...I really wanted mac and cheese balls but they didn't have them (I settled on fried cornmeal batter - it was a southern themed bar). Looking forward to the next guest entry!



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