Monday, October 24, 2011

What She Wants You to Wear... When It's (Really) Hot Out

Every Summer, my husband and I head for Cannes Lions advertising festival and the epic beauty of the French Riviera. It's a week designed to reward and celebrate the finest work from the most luminous creative minds in the international ad industry.

Translation: hundreds of pasty art directors and copywriters converge on the Croissette to marinate in rosé, nurse patchy sunburns, and try to navigate some quite treacherous fashion waters. Also known as: dignified beach style. The diversity of the community brings all stereotypical faux-pas to the table. You'll see socks with shower shoes and dingy banana hammocks — sometimes, shockingly, at the same time. You'll eye stocky gents in 2-inch shorts and horsey lads in blousy capris. It's quite a show, even without the award-winning ads. And I'm sympathetic: Beach attire is a challenge. Especially when you're in Cannes, where classic films suggest it's a snap to stay fresh in your linen suits (you know, just like Gary Cooper did). You're more likely to endure the heat looking less cool.
You might think I'm about to wax pedantic on the subject of short lengths (important), transparency (critical) or shrinkage (yikes). Clearly these are points of note, but let's start with the one thing all men face: sweat. While it can be sexy on a man, I'd be hard-pressed to find a fellow lady who thinks the "wilted" look is attractive. Quite literally, sun dampens your style, leaving you with less than a healthy sheen and glow. So, first things first, a non-greasy sunscreen is critical. Once you're protected from both cancer and farmer tan, you can address the remaining priorities...

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