Google “how to act confident” and you’ll find dozens of articles with hundreds of tips on this topic. Unfortunately, in most of these articles you won’t find tips that are practical, specific and easy to implement. That’s not the case here. This article is the complete guide with proven knowledge!
Let’s start with the answer to the question why you don’t act confident. It’ll help you get rid of your shyness!
Why you don’t act confident
There are many possible reasons that you’re an insecure person. The most common ones are:
1. Low self-esteem
If you believe that you are inferior to other people (because that’s what low self-esteem is about), it makes you act as an insecure person. Low self-esteem is usually caused by shifting responsibility for your life to other people, underestimating your strengths and overestimating your weaknesses. Low self-esteem is also a result of saying “I have no confidence” which becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
2. Avoidance
Avoidance breeds insecurity. If there’s something that you’re scared of and you avoid it, it becomes your fear and makes you less confident. One of the best examples is social avoidance. If you constantly avoid meeting new people, you’ll become afraid of it. As a result, you won’t feel comfortable around people. And then you’ll start looking for tips on how to act confident thinking that you were born shy…
3. Lack of life energy
Lack of confidence is very often caused by living a boring life of routine. If you don’t do anything interesting, don’t have any passions and big goals, you can feel burned out. If you don’t feel energized, it’s very hard to feel confident.
So these are the main reasons of lack of self-confidence. Now you ask me: “so how to act confident”? Here’s a simple step by step plan on how to go about it.
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