Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Men Fashion Mistakes

We live in a complex, crowded society where considerate people dress appropriately for various places and occasions.  Dressing appropriately is about respect for your fellow humans and our institutions. 

Why be concerned with your appearance? 

Is it really that important to your career, romance, or influence over others?

It’s a scientific fact that people who don’t know you make up their minds about you on a subliminal/prehistoric basis in 30 seconds or less.  This evaluation of you by others takes place so quickly and is so entrenched in the human brain that it is not usually conscious thought. 
Behavioral scientists tell us that we notice the following about another human being and in this order: Skin color, Sex, Age, Bearing (height, body language, etc.), Appearance, Direct Eye Contact, and Speech.

The first three we can do nothing about, but we can take advantage of this knowledge to enhance and control how to present the best image of ourselves. 

The Ten Most Common 
Men's Fashion Mistakes

Since 80% of what others see is our clothes, lets look at some basic faux pas:


1.  Never wear a short sleeve shirt with a tie.  Short sleeve shirts are perceived
 as lower class apparel.  Fine as part of a uniform or if you aspire to be a fast-food
 manager, not if you want to project a professional image.
2.  Shoes are one of the most evaluated elements of men's wardrobes.  Your shoes
 should be clean, shined, in good repair and appropriate for the occasion.  If you are
 wearing a suit, wear lace-up shoes.

Don’t wear the same shoe on consecutive days and keep shoetrees in your shoes 

when you’re not wearing them.
3.  Trousers should be long enough to cover your socks, and socks should cover
 your shins even when you cross your legs.   Pants are long enough if they have a
 slight break in the front.

Pleats and cuffs are traditional and functional.  Pleats let you sit down comfortably 

and cuffs add weight to the bottoms allowing for proper drape.

4.  Never wear both a belt and braces (suspenders).  You'll appear insecure.
5.  Socks should match your trousers.  
6.  Belts should match your shoes.
7.  Ties should reach your belt line. This is neither arbitrary nor negotiable.
  Too short of a tie makes you look like a rube. 
8.  Properly knotted ties have a dimple under the knot.  Clips and tacks are out of date.
How to get a dimple under your knot?  
Place your index finger in the middle of the tie just under where the knot is forming, 
pinch that part of the necktie between your thumb and middle finger and squeeze together
 as you pull it down and tighten the knot.
The necktie knot should hide the collar button.
9.  Suit and Sports jackets are symbols of authority.  However the bottom buttons
 of men's jackets are not designed to be buttoned, since King Edward VII gained weight,
 and started a fashion trend (see detail below).

Single Breasted suits can have one, two, three or more buttons.   Two and three button
 jackets are classic, one or more than three get you into the fashion forward arena,
 which is more suitable for social events than business.  With two button jackets only
 the top button is fastened. 
With three button jackets, you can close the middle, or middle and top button.
  Some suits are made so that the lapels roll to the middle button.  On those suits
 you leave the top button unfastened.  Some East Coast hipsters fasten only the
 top of three buttons! 
Four or more button jackets may be designed to fasten all the buttons, even the 
bottom.  If the bottom button of a four button can be closed without a noticeable
 pulling of the fabric, it’s ok to close or leave it open.

Double Breasted suits are the more formal of the two styles and can have four to
 six buttons with one or two “to button”.  They are often identified by a two-number
 designation such as 4/2, 4/1 or 6/2 (also “four to two”).

Translated, the first number gives the total number of front buttons and the second is

 the number of functioning buttonholes.  It doesn’t always mean that all the buttons
 have to be fastened. 
Often only the middle or upper button is secured on a 4/2 or 6/2, but the Duke of Kent
 started buttoning only his lower button creating a longer diagonal line across his chest
 giving the wearer a thinner, more dynamic look.
Why do men never button the bottom button of your suit, sports jacket, vest or Cardigan sweater?   
King Edward VII, “Bertie”, son of Victoria (1841 – 1910, King 1901 - 1910) was so
 heavy that he could not get the bottom button fastened on his vest or to be more
 historically kind, maybe he just forgot.  His subjects taking it as a fashion statement
 followed his lead and today most men’s suits, sports jackets or vests are not designed
 to button the bottom button.

The tradition of not buttoning the bottom button may have also come from the 

early waistcoats, which were very long.  It may have been out of necessity of 
being able to walk that the bottom buttons were left undone.
10. Suit and Sports jackets should fit properly which includes showing 1/4" to 1/2”
 of “linen” or shirtsleeve at the jacket sleeve.
original source

Skin Care

Take care of your skin in 4 easy steps

Before we start with the proper daily 4-step skincare routine, you'll need to know your skin type. How you care for your skin is utterly dependent on the type of skin you have: oily, normal/combination, dry, sensitive or sun- damaged.
to know your skin type read this .....

There are five basic skin care types: Oily, combination, sensitive, dry and sun-damaged. Your skin type is determined by how much -- or how little -- oil your skin produces. Genes, diet, stress level, medication and even your skincare regimen all determine how much oil your skin produces.

Rona Berg, in her book, "Beauty the New Basics," details the five different skin types. Here's how to tell what skin type you have.
Berg suggests you take the "skin test." Wash your face, pat it dry, then take a few pieces of rice paper or lens-cleaning tissue paper and press on different spots on your face. If your skin is oily, the paper will stick, pick up oily spots and become translucent. If the paper doesn't stick or pick up any oily spots, your skin is dry. If it sticks in your t-zone (forehead, nose and chin) then you have combination (or normal) skin. About 70 percent of women have combination skin.
Here are the five different skin types and their characteristics. 
  • Type 1: Oily Oily skin tends to shiny with enlarged pores, and is prone to blackheads and blemishes. You might experience some tightness.
  • Type 2: Combination/normal This skin type has medium pores, a smooth and even texture, good circulation, healthy color, may tend toward dryness on the cheeks while being oily in the t-zone.
  • Type 3: Sensitive Sensitive skin tends to be thin, delicate with fine pores. It flushes easily, is prone to broken capillaries, is frequently allergic and can be rashy.
  • Type 4: Dry Dry skin feels tight, especially after cleansing. You have a tendency towards fine wrinkles, flaking and red patches. In women of color, skin may appear ashy or dull from dead skin buildup.
  • Type 5: Aging or sun-damaged This skin also feels tight with visible wrinkles, slack skin tone -- especially around the cheeks and jawline -- with leathery texture and broken capillaries.

    back to our sabject :) the steps of a good care for our skin
step 1: Cleansing Simple is key here. You need to find a good cleanser that your skin responds well to, and stick with it.
You can find a good cleanser at the drugstore. There's no need to spend $40 on a fancy wash. Avoid bar soaps as they tend to dry out the skin. According to Rona Berg, in her book, "Beauty," a French cosmetics executive once told her, "Soap should only ever touch your skin from the neck down." We agree. Choose a creamy cleanser if you have dry skin or a clear cleanser if you have oily skin.
Be careful not to cleanse too often. Washing at night should do you. If you have dry skin, consider cold cream like Pond's, which the French use. Simply apply cream, then wipe off, no water needed (if you have hard water it can be especially harsh on skin). Most women prefer the water method: Use warm water to loosen dirt and clogged pores. Use a dime-sized bit of cleanser, then rinse with cool or lukewarm water. You'll also want to take off your makeup with a proper makeup remover.

In the morning, a splash of lukewarm water is all you need (we find it's great for removing excess oils from your nightly moisturizing). Never wash your face with hot or cold water (both can cause broken capillaries). Also be careful about overcleansing skin.

step 2 :Exfoliate is the step most people skip in their weekly skincare routine. But trust me, if you start properly exfoliating your skin, you will notice an almost immediate difference. According to Berg, one of the reasons men's skin looks more youthful than women's is because men tend to exfoliate daily when they shave. There are several ways to exfoliate skin: Microdermabrasion, chemical peels and retinoids.
In my article, I share all my tips and tricks to proper exfoliation. Including why you should throw out the loofah.
Scrubs work by removing the top layer of dead skin cells that tend to dull your complexion. We find exfoliating skin once a week with a microdermabrasion kit keeps skin glowing year-round. Make sure you use a gentle scrub with tiny grains. Big grains in cheap scrubs can tear skin and cause more harm than good. My favorite microdermabrasion kit is made by Lancome.

In the hour it takes to get a chemical peel, you can take off five years from your face. Can't afford the price tag for a monthly peel? Try some over-the-counter peels that work over the course of a month. I prefer MD Skincare's.

Retinoids (such as Retin-A or the more moisturizing Renova) also work by removing the top layer of dead skin cells while also generating collagen in the skin. "Collagen is the skin's structural fiber," dermatologist Dennis Gross said in O Magazine. "As we get older, it breaks down, creating lines and large pores." Skincare experts disagree on all sorts of things, but most of them consider retinoids to be a miracle skin saver. I'm addicted to Retin-A, which I pick up in Mexico on my yearly jaunts.

Should you use a toner? Some people swear by toners, but many beauty experts do not (I once read a skincare expert claim, "toners are only for copy machines"). Toners are meant to remove all remaining traces of oil, makeup and dirt, but a good cleanser should do this. I firmly believe it's up to you. If you like the way your skin feels with a toner. Buy it. Use it. Enjoy it.

Step 3: Moisturize

While I know of at least one famous beauty editor who swore skin doesn't need moisturizer, basically everyone else I've read disagrees and is an adamant believer in it. A basic law of beauty is that everyone, no matter her skin type, should moisturize. Even if your skin is oily, it will benefit from moisturizers. (The only exception is those with acne). Why? Moisturizers seal moisture into skin (Berg calls this the "Saran Wrap effect"). So how much should you moisturize? Your skin will tell you. When your skin is tight, it's crying out for moisture. Be careful not to overmoisturize -- this can clog pores.
Are eye creams necessary? Well maybe. Some beauty experts strongly recommend eye creams. Why? The skin around the eye contains no fatty tissue and is therefore very thin and susceptible to wrinkles. Special eye creams are formulated to "thicken" this area. Yet other experts (including the beauty editors of Allure in their new book) claim your daily lotion works around the eyes just as well.

Step 4: Apply Sunscreen

O Magazine ran an article featuring interviews with several top skin care experts and dermatologists.Every single one of them said sunscreen was the most important part of your skincare regimen. It was the secret they would pass on to their daughters.

The number-1 cause of wrinkles is sun damage, so it's important to use sunscreen from your early years on even in winter and on cloudy days. A great trick is to purchase two moisturizers: One for night and one for day that includes UV protection. Don't use moisturizers with sunscreen at night, the ingredients are not meant to be used 27/7 and can aggravate skin. When choosing a sunscreen, make sure it contains Mexoryl (found in my favorite sunscreen La-Roche Posay) or Helioplex, found in Neutrogena products.

Successful First Date

First dates are very fragile affairs; two strangers unite to test out their compatibility . When women are on first dates with men, they analyze every little thing their date does. After all, the pressure is usually on the men, so the way they handle this high stress situation is an indication of their characters. Does he fidget? Does he sweat? Does he remain calm and collected?

So how do guys ensure they don't completely ruin a first date? It's very simple: let the women feel comfortable. If women are comfortable, they will relax and be more at ease within conversations. This way, if you accidentally say something insulting, step on her foot or forget to hold the door, she will be more inclined to forgive the mishap.

Steps To Success

A good place for a first date is a comedy club. You find yourselves in a setting with lots of people and you can easily think of things to do should awkward moments of silence arise. By the end of the show you will both be smiling, which assures that you'll be in good moods for the rest of the night. The show also gives you something to talk about. The biggest advantage of a comedy show is that the jokes your date laughs at can reveal a lot about her personality. You should know that a guy who laughs extra hard at jokes that degrade women, immediately has 3 strikes against dater beware.

Be Real

A guy should always act natural on a first date; don't pretend to be someone you're not. Don't boast either because it gives the impression that you're arrogant. Try to keep the conversationsimple by avoiding debates about religion or politics. Don't impose or get too personal; whatever a girl wants to tell you, she will reveal on her own. Remember, if you make her feel comfortable around you, you will surely get a second date.

I recommend that you let the girl speak as well. It allows you to get to know a lot of things about her without revealing too much about yourself. A mysterious, aloof man is very attractive. There is no better compliment for a man than a woman telling her friend I had the most wonderful conversation with this guy last night, yet I still don't know anything about him. He's a great listener though . This means that you not only entertained her that night, but you've got her begging for more.

Have fun on your first date and don't push her if she says no to sex, a ride home, paying for her billor she will never date you again. There is nothing worse than a pushy man.

original source


As the age-old saying goes, you never get a second chance to make a great first impression. Nowhere does this statement hold more weight than in dating. The results of a recent survey reveals that men and women (31 percent) agree: 15 minutes into the date is long enough to tell if there is chemistry. Luckily, only 12 percent of singles would actually call it a night and leave within the first 30 minutes of the date if they feel things aren’t going as planned. Check out our tips for making the best first-date impression.

Cursive number 1BE ON TIME.

Being even a few minutes late can send a message that you're not taking the date seriously. Keep an eye on the time, and if for some reason you get behind schedule, let your date know. Just a simple text message will suffice, and if you're only going to be a few minutes late, you don't have to go into why. In fact, it's better he doesn't get the full story about your having to chase your dog out of the neighbor's yard or your dropping an entire carton of eggs on the floor just as you were about to leave.

Cursive number 2
What do you wear on a first date?


Put some effort into your appearance. This doesn't just mean finding a great outfit that looks amazing on you; it also means not going overboard. Look good, but comfortable and effortlessly gorgeous. Wear something you love and that you know looks good on you rather than trying to put together an outfit you've never worn or buying something new for the occasion. The key is to look good without having to try too hard.

Cursive number 3SMILE & RELAX.

If you're nervous, you might forget to smile, or worse, you'll laugh like a hyena at everything he says. Neither of these are good options and can make you seem awkward (and a little crazy, if go the hyena route).  Being as relaxed as possible will help you project an air of confidence, which will boost your chances of making a good first impression. The more relaxed you are, the less you'll fidget (with your clothes, your hair, your phone) -- something else that makes you seem nervous or uncomfortable.

Cursive number 4LISTEN & ASK QUESTIONS.

Talking about yourself is a big part of a first date, but don't talk so much that he can't get a word in edgewise. Listen to what he's saying, and ask intelligent questions that show you've been paying attention. This helps form a connection between you. On the flip side, don't let him do all the talking, or he won't be able to form much of an opinion about you.

Cursive number 5ACT NATURAL.

This is a not a job interview, so you don't need to list your awards, accomplishments and skills as if you were hoping to get the corner office. Let the conversation flow naturally, and don't feel the need to over-sell yourself. He asked you out (or agreed to a date), so he obviously likes you. Remember that, and be yourself.

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